The Baggage Behind Our Being

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This monograph considers the nature of Belief, based on evidence and rational thought, as well as various other kinds of Belief. Sometimes the evidence is not available. However, our main perspective is the widespread irrationality that can be manifest, despite the availability of what may be seen as contrary […]

Lake District Calligraphy Courses

Not our usual kind of News Item, but clearly of interest if you want to hone your artistic tallents:

Art Nouveau Lettering Italic Calligraphy.

New Blog Page for Prof Kell

My BBSRC term ended on October 20th and my BBSRC Blog will cease. I shall now but likely more rarely) be blogging from this page.

Douglas Kell named Fellow of AAAS

Professor Douglas Kell has been elected to the prestigious body, which is an honour bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers.

Professor Kell is one of fewer than 50 UK scientists of nearly 8,000 Fellows recorded on the AAAS website to hold this honour.

For more information see the AAAS Press Release.


Learned Society of Wales

April 2012: Congratulations to Professor Douglas Kell on his election to Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales.

Baby Dylan!

8th February 2010 – Kathleen Carroll gave birth to Baby Dylan!!

Molecular Biotechnology Group

We are pleased to announce the formation of the ‘Molecular Biotechnology Group’ (MBG) − a partnership between the Manchester Centre for Systems Biology (MCISB) and the Centre of Excellence in Biocatalysis, Biotransformations and Biocatalytic Manufacture (CoEBio3). The new group will headed by Dr. Farid Khan of FLS and has funding from Lonza through the Lonza […]