A quick guide to some administration issues
within the DBK group and MIB
- http://www.manchester.ac.uk/ University of Manchester portal.
- http://dbkgroup.org/ General information regarding the DBK research group, staff, publications and useful links.
- http://dbkgroup.org/forms/ Restricted access. Forms for expenditure and holiday booking.
- http://www.mib.ac.uk/intranet/default.aspx Restricted access. MIB intranet portal.
- Expense claim forms can be printed from the finance web page: http://www.campus.manchester.ac.uk/finance/Pay/Payrollforms.shtml, filled in and submitted to Julie for authorisation and forwarding to the relevant School and Central Finance. All claims should be recorded via the group web page http://dbkgroup.org/forms/.
- Purchase requisition forms: These can be filled in and submitted directly to MIB Finance in room 3.027 (tel. 65176). Orders must have the correct Grant Code and Expenditure Type. In case of absolute urgency, the order can be submitted via Julie using the DBK group credit card. All purchases should be recorded via the group web page http://dbkgroup.org/forms/.
- Travel Arrangements Travel should be by the most economical route. All travel should be provisionally arranged with Delta Travel (tel: 0161 274 3060, email: btsales@deltatravel.co.uk) followed by submission of an iProc requisition. You should advise Delta of any on-line offers you are aware of and ask if they can either match the price or make the on-line reservation.
- Travel insurance can be booked online: http://www.campus.manchester.ac.uk/purchase/Insurance/travel.htm (it is responsibility of each traveller to book their own insurance).
- Ordering from stores: MIB Stores requisition forms are available from Dave Ellis, Julie Cowley and Daniel Jamesson (MCISB). Green forms are for use with VAT payable orders and the red forms for VAT exempt orders.
Holidays and sickness
- Holidays: The holiday year starts on the 1st October and ends on the 30th September. RAs and other academic related staff are entitled to 29 days holidays (excluding bank holidays and Christmas closure days). Technical staff are entitled to 26 days holidays (excluding bank holidays and Christmas closure days). All holidays should be submitted online via the group web page http://dbkgroup.org/forms/.
- Sick leave and other absences: All other absences (including sick leave and working from home) should be reported to Julie. Sick leave reporting procedures can be found here. Please note that the doctor’s note is required for any absences for 8 days or more (including weekends/days off).
MIB Facilities
- MIB Intranet: Access to the MIB intranet http://www.mib.ac.uk/intranet/default.aspx.
- MIB Induction: MIB induction booklet is available for download from http://www.mib.manchester.ac.uk/documents/safety/MIB%20staff%20induction.doc. All queries regarding MIB induction and health and safety issues should be addressed to Dave Ellis.
- Booking meeting rooms and AV equipment: All MIB meeting rooms and Audio visual equipment can be booked online: http://www.mib.ac.uk/intranet/bookings.aspx.
- Faxes: Faxes can be sent and received from the fax machine in room 3.031. The external number for this fax machine is: 0161 306 4556.
- Photocopiers: Photocopy machines are available on the 1st and the 2nd floors, the password is available from Julie. Please note that this service is not free of charge so please use it sensibly. Scanning facilities are available from Julie Cowley and Steve O’Hagan.
Should you need additional explanation, please contact Julie Cowley, executive assistant to Prof. Douglas Kell:
+44 161 30 64575 (phone)
+44 161 30 64556 (fax)